Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
These are the adults working in Year 6
Mrs Burrough Miss Yeates Miss Gallagher
Armstrong Class Laika Class Peake Class
Mrs McNeil
1:1 LSA’s:
Miss Penny Mrs Eccleston Mrs Purser
Peake | Laika Class | Armstrong Class |
Teacher Miss C Gallagher
| Teacher Miss C Yeates (Year 6 Lead)
| Teacher Miss S Burrough
In Year 6, the following Home Learning is set and expected to be completed weekly:
MyMaths task - set on Tuesday, due the following Monday
Spellings - set Tuesday and tested the following Monday
Times Tables Rockstars will be set weekly to be completed
Children need to read daily, and update their Reading Log every time they read. Reading Logs must be in school every day.
School Closure Information
In the event of a school closure, please see the attached document for a list of activities to be completed.
The tasks are designed to be completed from the children's revision books. If they do not complete all the tasks in one day, they can be carried over throughout school closure period.
The children will also be provided with reading comprehensions and activities to complete over the closure period. The answers are attached to the pack so that the children can mark their own work.
Thank you for your ongoing support.