
The Crescent Primary School Working Together, Learning for Life

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More Able

More Able

(previously known as Gifted and Talented)


At The Crescent Primary School we like to celebrate the success of all our children, including those who are showing to be More Able in a particular area. This may be in a core subject, such as Reading or Maths, or in an extra curricular area, such as playing a musical instrument or competing at Hampshire Level in a sport. Children have numerous opportunities to celebrate their success with the school, especially in Key Stage Celebration Assemblies.


Teachers and staff work together to identify children who are performing at a More Able level and demonstrate particular characteristics that would put them on our More Able register. This register is continually monitored and reviewed and children can be added to the register throughout the year. If your child is on the More Able register, class teachers will discuss this with you at Parents Evenings. Our policy identifies what provision we have for More Able children at The Crescent Primary School.


Parental involvement is also key and if your child participates in an extra curricular activity at a high level, then we would like to know so they can be added to the register too and their success celebrated. If you have a child who is More Able there is a lot of provision you can access to support your child. A good website for parents is http://www.potentialplusuk.org/


There are two people responsible for More Able provision and they will be working closely together throughout the year to monitor this area.

These are:

Miss Acacia Grubb - More Able Leader

Mrs Katherine McNamara - Governor for More Able


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