On behalf of the Crescent Primary School Governors, welcome to our section of the website.
School Governors play a vital role in providing strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Together the Governors form the Governing Body, which has the following key functions -
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
- Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
I am pleased to take on the role of Chair in September 2024, following several years as a member of the governing body. I reside on Toynbee Road and work as a Director at a local mental health charity. My involvement with the school began when I moved to the area, driven by my passion for the power of education and my desire to give back to the local community.
With Mr Mark Wartnaby assuming the role of substantive head teacher in 2024 and following our positive Ofsted rating, we are looking forward to collaborating with the school on our journey to outstanding, always placing our pupils at the core of our endeavors. As part of this journey, we have initiated a review of the school's vision, mission, and values to ensure their relevance for 2024 and beyond.
School governors are essential to the organisation and effectiveness of the school. We are volunteers and have a range of expertise from many walks of life to contribute. We represent the Local Authority, the community, parents and staff. The whole governing body meets six times a year to support and challenge all aspects of the school, demonstrating our dedication to its success. In addition, governors serve on committees which look more closely at educational standards and the effective use of resources. Governors make planned visits to the school to investigate specific aspects of school life.
The Governors operate in an open and transparent way, actively encouraging engagement with parents and the wider community. We are committed to keeping you informed through our occasional newsletters, questionnaires, and ‘impact reports’, all of which will be posted here in the Governance section of the school website.
Please feel free to contact me as chair of governors at any time through the school office.
Robert Wayman
(Chair of Governors)