
The Crescent Primary School Working Together, Learning for Life

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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice


At The Crescent we believe that all pupils should have the opportunities to share their pupil voice. We do this in a number of ways:

  • Pupils have opportunities to take on student leadership roles which include: Prefects, House Captains, Head boy, Head girl, Deputy Head boy, Deputy Head Girl, Music Technicians, Librarians, Eco Warriors and opportunities to take on specific roles in their class
  • The School Council play a major part in providing a structured and systematic approach to enable all pupils to share their ideas, views and concerns about the school and wider community. These are children from Year 1 to Year 6, who will hold the role for one year and participate in a half termly meeting with Miss Yeates to assist the school with vital decision making.
  • Pupils have regular opportunities to discuss issues that may arise in school through structured activities like 'circle time', through the content of our PSHE curriculum, which has lots of rich opportunities for debate, discussion and reflection and through pupil surveys which are set across the year.
  • The curriculum allows opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding when using their pupil voice and be able to make considerate suggestions to improve the school.

Year 6 Leaders

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