The Crescent Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and requires all staff, parents, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
The school has a team of Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL's).
Mr Mark Wartnaby (Appointed DSL)
Mrs Howard, Mrs Preston and Mrs Dulay (Deputy DSLs)
All staff know how to report concerns and are aware of the signs of abuse and neglect. All concerns are always addressed and/or investigated. The school works closely with other professionals because we understand that, in order to gain insight into children's needs, a multi agency approach is essential.
For the safeguarding and the child protection policy please click the link below to go to the policies page
Safeguarding and Site Security
The staff at The Crescent take very seriously their responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our children. It is extremely important that we keep our children safe and secure at all times. As part of our safeguarding practice, we continually review our systems and procedures in school.
Morning routine
The school day starts at 8:55am.The school gates are opened at 8:45am in the morning for a staggered entry to school. A member of the Senior Leadership team stands at each gate every morning to welcome pupils and monitor entry to the school site. Parents/carers can drop their children off at the gate or accompany them further onto the school site as they wish. Parents/carers are not permitted to enter the school building unless they enter through our main secure front entrance. Please note the only exception to this is that we still welcome Year R parents/carers to help their children in the cloakroom areas as required during this settling in period. At 9.00am the school gates are locked. All parents/carers need to have left the site before this point. Late children, parents/carers and visitors must then enter the school via the main secure front entrance. Registers are marked and sent to the office by 9:10am.
A child arriving between 8:55am and 9:10am will be marked as late before the register closes. At 9:10am the registers will be closed and children arriving after this time will be marked as having an unauthorised absence.
Teaching staff are unable to take messages from parents/carers at the start of day while supervising the children in to school. Messages can be given to the school office. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you would like to book a meeting with your child’s teacher.
For the safety of everyone on site we ask that the children do not ride their bikes and scooters once on the school site.
After School Routine
The school gates are opened at 3:00pm to allow parents/carers onto the school site to collect their children. Teachers then dismiss their classes at 3:25pm. Children are handed over to parents/carers by a member of staff. We would ask that parents/carers wait until the class teacher has dismissed all children safely before speaking with them. We will not release a child to another adult unless notified in advance by the child’s parent/carer.
As we have after school clubs taking place on the school site, it is important that once parents/carers have received their child(ren), that they leave the school site promptly. The main gates are to be locked at 3:30pm once the site is clear. The Adventure Playground should not be used after school. Parents/carers are not permitted to enter the school building unless they have entered through the secure main front entrance or are accompanied by a member of school staff.
Any children who are not collected will be taken to the school office and a member of the office team will contact the child’s parent or carer. Parents/carers will need to enter school through the main secure entrance to collect their child once the school gates are locked. Please note that children’s services may need to be contacted if a child is picked up significantly late or is picked up repeatedly late.
After School Clubs
After school clubs take place every night. All after-school teacher-led clubs finish at 4.15pm.
Parents/carers collecting their children from a club will be asked to return to school at the appropriate time and wait in the front courtyard. Club leaders will then dismiss children from the main entrance.
Visiting School
All visitors must sign in at reception where they will be issued with a visitor badge. Mobile communications and photographic devices such as mobile phones and smart watches should not be used by visitors and parents/carers whilst on the school premises.