Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Curriculum
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
At the Crescent we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We aim to ensure the developments in S.M.S.C are delivered to all our pupils through a wide range of teaching and learning experiences throughout each subject within the National Curriculum.
As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to:
Spiritual Development
- Sustain their self-esteem in their learning experience.
- Develop their capacity for critical and independent thought.
- Foster their emotional life and express their feelings.
- Experience moments of stillness and reflection.
- Discuss their beliefs, feelings, values and responses to personal experiences.
- Form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships.
- Reflect on, consider and celebrate the wonders and mysteries of life.
Moral development
- Recognise the unique value of each individual.
- Listen and respond appropriately to the views of others.
- Gain the confidence to cope with setbacks and learn from mistakes.
- Take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others.
- Distinguish between right and wrong.
- Show respect for the environment.
- Take action for justice.
- Make informed and independent judgments.
Social Development
- Develop an understanding of their individual and group identity.
- Learn about service in the schooland wider community.
- Develop an understanding of the importance of turn taking, co-operative play, partner talk and group work
Cultural Development
- Recognise the value and richness of cultural diversity in Britain, and howthese influence individuals and society.
- Develop an understanding of their social and cultural environment.
- Develop an understanding of Britain's local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimensions.